

Applications and Notes

Logs MOPP or BOPP film coated with
Davik’s unique adhesive formula
Slit to 300 or 600 mm/12 or 24 in. wide logs
for pre-laminated spool producers
Adhesive spools MOPP or BOPP film coated with
Davik’s unique adhesive formula
Slit to long strips of adhesive material
rolled on 152 mm/6 in.
core lamination when applying the handle
Pre-laminated spools MOPP or BOPP film coated with
Davik’s unique adhesive formula
laminated with white paper, printed paper,
PP, 1 mm or 2 mm foam
Slit to long strips of adhesive material
rolled on 152 mm/ 6 in.
core spools are suitable for high-speed applicators
Pancake rolls MOPP or BOPP film coated with
Davik’s unique adhesive formula
plain or laminated
Slit to long strips of adhesive material
rolled on core with the same dimensions
of the handle for use with slow, automatic applicators
Detachable rolls MOPP or BOPP film coated with
Davik’s unique adhesive formula
plain or laminated
Slit to long strips of adhesive material
rolled on core with the same dimensions
of the handle for manually use


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